Ph.D. Program in Counselling and Clinical Psychology
(Field: Clinical Psychology)
Department of Psychological Clinical Science
University of Toronto
Primary supervisor: Dr. Anthony C. Ruocco, Co-Supervisor: Dr. Joshua Rosenblat
BSc(Hons.), Psychology, Queen’s University
M.A., Counselling and Clinical Psychology (Field: Clinical Psychology), University of Toronto
2021: Bassili Family Graduate Award
2021: SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship - Master’s
2022: Ontario Graduate Scholarship
2022: UTSC Graduate Student Research Award - Master’s
2022: Canadian Psychological Association Scientific Affairs Committee Student Research Grant
2023: CIHR Doctoral Award Canada Graduate Scholarship
2023: Wilfred and Joyce Posluns Sex, Gender, and Neuroscience Graduate Fellowship
Research Interests:
Orly’s interests span both foundational and interventional research. Her research explores neurocognitive correlates of psychopathology, including dimensional models of psychopathology such as the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP). She is also interested in applying this research to explore neurocognitive outcomes and predictors of treatment response in treatment-resistant disorders, with a focus on depression and suicide. Orly’s interventional research focuses on treatments that combine evidence-based psychotherapeutic and biological interventions, such as ketamine and cognitive behavioural therapy.