Honours B.Sc., Psychology Specialization, Western University
M.A., Counselling and Clinical Psychology (Field: Clinical Psychology), University of Toronto
Ph.D., Counselling and Clinical Psychology (Field: Clinical Psychology), University of Toronto
2018 Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement
2018 School of Graduate Studies Research Travel Grant
2016 Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS-D)
2015 Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence
2014 Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS-M)
2013 Bassili Clinical Graduate Award in Clinical Psychology
Research Interests:
Katherine adopts a biopsychosocial perspective on psychopathology research by capturing system-wide interactions that contribute to well being and mental health pathology. Her doctoral research focused broadly on the interaction of stress and immune activity in relation to symptoms of depression and cognitive deficits. More specifically, she is interested in the role that cognition and stress appraisal play in modulating neuroendoimmune activity in transdiagnostic populations experiencing depression.