Ph.D. Program in Counselling and Clinical Psychology
(Field: Clinical Psychology)
Department of Psychological Clinical Science
University of Toronto
Primary Supervisor: Dr. Anthony C. Ruocco; Co-Supervisor: Dr. Andy Lee
B.Cog.Sc., Cognitive Science concentrated in the Biological Foundations of Cognition, Carleton University
M.A., Counselling and Clinical Psychology (Field: Clinical Psychology), University of Toronto
2023: Certificate of Academic Excellence, Canadian Psychological Association
2021: Frederick Banting and Charles Best CGS-Master’s, CIHR
2019: University Medal in Cognitive Science, Carleton University
2018: NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Award, ACE Lab, Carleton University
2017 - 2018: David A. Golden Scholarship, Carleton University
2016: Jean and Richard Van Loon Award of Excellence, Carleton University
Research Interests:
Cody is interested in the neurobiological bases of behaviour and dimensional models of psychopathology. His current research focuses on identifying neural correlates of the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP) model.